Welcome to issue 2 of the electronic newsletter of The Folding Society.
The number of people who have registered an interest has grown encouragingly, despite the fact that its only been announced on the email lists and at one Mud Dock event.
Our web pages are at http://www.whooper.demon.co.uk/foldsoc, and are being updated regularly. You will find the main news there, so this is just a brief summary of some of the items added to the pages recently:
Don't forget the Origami Ride at Meriden on Saturday 10th October - 10.30 for an 11.00 start. This will be a ride to the normal Origami format, but organiser John Pinkerton has some interesting plans for the winter months. Some of these winter events will not start at Meriden, so contact John (0121 350 0685) if you are planning to attend. Details of the future events will be available via our web pages, or direct on http://www.whooper.demon.co.uk/origami. See you there on Saturday.
For more details of the above, and other news, please check the web pages at http://www.whooper.demon.co.uk/foldsoc
Finally, a warning that my computer system is very sick at present it won't have any effect on you being able to access the web pages which are located on demon, but it may hinder me from implementing updates and replying to your email over the next week.
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Copyright (C)1999 Ferrets Anonymous
Last updated: 31 January 1999
URL: http://www.whooper.demon.co.uk/foldsoc/fsn/fsn002.html